Talk:Grove of Epimetheus

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The story of the Grove of Epimetheus, as submitted by Emacity, is given as follows:

The Woodlands of Ambrosia houses a very sacred space, built hundreds of years ago during the Golden Age of man. This golden age was a time of fun and frolic, where mortals would interact with the gods when they descended from misty Olympus. The gods would teach mankind how to weave, create fires, forge tools and sow crops. Predominantly present during mankind’s steep learning curb were the titan brothers; Prometheus (meaning forethought) and Epimetheus (meaning afterthought). Epimetheus, behind his brother’s back, secretly married Pandora the first human woman, demonstrating his great love for humanity.

What’s the purpose of this backstory - I hear you ask? Well, the creation of The Grove of Epimetheus was one of the first settlements ever made by Golden Age Man. The Titan himself lovingly helped mankind to create a scared space within which to honour the gods.

The Grove begins with the deep cave, creating a basis and grounding point within Gaia, Mother Earth. From a practical perspective, the area was chosen for its proximity to flowing water, which the Epimetheus taught man was an essential for their survival. Early mankind used tools gifted by Vulcan (Hephaestus) to help hone the cave into a living space, Demeter helped them harvest the fruit trees and Hermes taught them the arts of trade to help them thrive.

The Grove moves onto the most important element - the sacred circle that was built to honour the gods. The area is the shape of a circle to represent the infinite wisdom and presence of almighty Zeus. Man would then create fire, gifted to them by Prometheus (at great personal cost to the titan) and build ritual circles on which they would burn their offerings;

  • Herbs to create fragrantly-scented smoke, which would waft up to the gods on Olympus
  • Cooked meats, to honour and thank the gods
  • Fruits, vegetables, other foods and of course wine was all burnt and placed in this scared circle as a great offering to the Gods.

The Golden Age was very short lived. With Zeus’s wroth rolling like a tidal wave upon mankind because of Prometheus’s gift of fire, it became Pandora’s pre-ordained fate to open the jar and release unto the world negative energies such as; woe, famine, disease and strife. Humankind would never live the same existence again.

And yet, despite the onslaught of this negativity, folk still remembered Epimetheus and his kind and giving nature and so in his honour they named this most historic and scared of places The Grove of Epimethus, in his eternal honour.